5 Hilarious Work-From-Home Situations

A Story You Cannot Live Down

A story making the social media circuit is of a senior executive showing up for a Monday morning meeting as a potato. The lady had downloaded a Zoom filter for the virtual happy hour on Friday before. Monday morning saw her as a potato and no matter what she did she could not change the filter and had to stay on as a potato head for the entire meeting.

Since then, we have seen a US senator get online upside down and a lawyer gets on as a cat. Filters are great but evidently, not everyone is up to speed on how to use them.    


No One Takes You Seriously 

Working from home is challenging and we all know why. Firstly, to find a quiet corner to work from home is impossible most of the time, it seems.

Secondly, even if you do, preventing people from casually strolling into the room is ddos_work_from_home_challenge even more challenging. Family walking around dressed inappropriately or talking loudly, oblivious to your work life, happens more often than we are willing to admit.

Could this be the reason that many of us are suffering from `cabin fever’ symptoms and now, after nearly a year of WFH many of us look forward to the corner cubicle, where the only sound is that of the AC humming?    

Honey, Can I Shrink the Kids?

Kids can also be noisy but that is what makes them kids. For them, home offices do not make much sense and they are happy to walk into your space any time of the day with various requests, complaints, and stories. However, the fun part starts when they ask embarrassing questions when you are in the middle of a conference call. However, one must acknowledge the fact that these interruptions provide relief during the extremely stressful COVID-19 lockdown and that’s what makes them precious and funny.

As if kids are not enough, what about your pets ? They just jump on to laps and don’t wait for invitations. Some of them even like to actively participate in meetings, by yelping or meowing at the laptop screen.  

source: giphy

Kids and pets have made the most of the WFH times and provided us with comic relief during these extremely stressful times.

The Secret Dressing Style of Walter and Wanda

The news making waves is about a correspondent who angled his camera wrong and revealed he was inappropriately dressed waist down. Wow! That must have been embarrassing for the man.

ddos_protection_work_from_home But I am sure many of us can relate to him, in the sense that it is so much easier to wear comfortable clothing waist down. This is good enough if one can remember to dress snappy waist up.

Also, personal grooming and smart haircuts have been replaced by masked faces, devoid of makeup for women, and untamed facial hair for men. However, these are COVID times and even if there is no wrong camera angle, it has helped to lighten up the day for many of us, just at the thought of our secret double-dressing lives.

Caught in the Act

Working from home requires discipline and even the most disciplined have slipped ddos_and_cybersecurity_challenges up during the last year of WFH to catch a snooze, raid the fridge or just pause for a teeny moment in time to take in the latest match score. These moments can be embarrassing especially if a video call comes in during these inopportune moments. The manager woke up an employee. But the funny part is the disoriented employee’s reply, `Is it 4 pm already?’ She had dozed off for 2 hours! OMG!

COVID took away from us the sense of time. The new normal is to work at odd hours and take power naps in the middle of workdays. Funny till you get caught like the employee mentioned above.

Not So Hilarious Moments

We have all experienced that embarrassing moment as we stay frozen for eternity on a video call. We are keenly aware that everyone in the meeting is trying to say something, but we just lost connectivity.      

Connectivity brings us to the important topic of VPN security. This last year has seen IT security professionals racing to scale up their remote access services to support their entire employee base, to ensure business continuity, WFH notwithstanding. But this is easier said than done and requires a wide range of activities including defining permissions, expanding infrastructure to set up remote access for the majority of employees who usually do not need it.

Due to the negligible risk that VPNs usually pose to business continuity, companies may have not bothered to validate that their DDoS mitigation solutions were configured correctly to protect them. The problem enterprises are facing is daunting because there’s no single default DDoS mitigation configuration setting that works for all VPNs. This means that companies need to validate their potentially vulnerable DDoS mitigation configuration against multiple possible DDoS attack vectors at a time when maintenance windows are hard to find.

RADAR™, is MazeBolt’s new patented technology solution and part of the MazeBolt security platform. It continuously & without disruption, detects all DDoS attack vectors. Delivering advanced intelligence, through straightforward reports on how to remediate the DDoS vulnerabilities found. With RADAR™, organizations achieve, maintain, and verify the continuous closing of their DDoS vulnerabilities. Dramatically maximizing the efficiency of any mitigation solution while providing the ultimate DDoS protection.

About MazeBolt

MazeBolt introduces a new standard in DDoS coverage, automatically detecting, analyzing, and prioritizing remediation across the network, doubling coverage, and virtually eliminating DDoS exposure without shutting down organizational operations. MazeBolt’s continuous defense supercharges the performance of CISOs as well as the mitigation service provider.

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