Worldwide list of DDoS attacks – March 2021

Worldwide list of DDoS attacks took place during the month of March 2021


Date of attack Country Industry Downtime  Company Affected Size of Company Attack Details Press Link 
Mar 31 China Government 9 Hours Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China’s website NA The DDoS attack caused the site to slow significantly and, in some cases, crash. Click here
Mar 24 Korea Telco 40 Minutes Naver Large Korea’s top internet portal, Naver’s news, blog and online cafe sites went down. Click here
Mar 18  USA Gaming NA Oakland Athletics Small Oakland Athletics’ fans were met with error messages on the first day of ticket sales. Click here
Mar 17   Korea Financial Services NA Terra Labs Small Anchor, its lending platform, suffered a large scale DDoS attack on the day of its launch. Click here
Mar 14 USA Education NA East Greenwich High School (EGHS) Small The attack halted a virtual conference with actor LeLand Gantt about his one man play, ‘Rhapsody in Black’. Click here
Mar 12  Japan Gaming 3 weeks Sony Computer Entertainment Large Fans of the popular video game LittleBigPlanet have been unable to access online features Click here
Mar 10  Philippines Government 6 hours Philippine government website NA Attempts to access the site showed `internal server error’ message and was inaccessible to all. Click here
Mar 8  Italy Government 24 Hours Italian Lower House of Parliament NA The attack brought the website down Click here

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