Most Recent DDoS Attacks in February 2022

List of recent DDoS attacks that took place worldwide during the month of February 2022

Feb 15th
Industry : Banking
Country : Ukraine
Downtime : NA

Company Affected: Privatbank and Oschadbank
Size of Company : Enterprise
Attack Details : Multiple Ukrainian banking systems were temporarily inaccessible and prevented them from functioning properly.
Press Link

Feb 15th
Industry : Government
Country : Ukraine
Downtime : NA

Company Affected : Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the Armed Services
Size of Company : NA
Attack Details : Multiple Ukrainian government websites were temporarily inaccessible from simultaneous DDoS attacks.
Press Link

Feb 23rd
Industry : Government
Country : Ukraine
Downtime : NA

Company Affected : Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Parliament
Size of Company : NA
Attack Details :  Large-scale DDoS attacks to several government sites forced them to go down.
Press Link

Feb 24th
Industry : Financial Services
Country : Ukraine
Downtime : NA

Company Affected : Banks
Size of Company : NA
Attack Details :  Large-scale DDoS attacks to several banking sites forced them to go down.
Press Link

Feb 27th
Industry : Government
Country : Russia
Downtime : NA

Company Affected : Roscosmos
Size of Company : NA
Attack Details: The website is a target of a massive DDoS attack from various IP addresses.
Press Link

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