DDoS Defenses – Newsletter February 2020

DDoS Defenses – Feb’ 20 Issue – Interesting DDoS Bytes and Free Downloads

16 DDoS attacks take place every 60 seconds, rates reach 622 Gbps

Netscout’s research, made public on Tuesday, says that there has been an increase of 87% in exploit attempts between the second half of 2018 and 2019. In addition, DDoS attack frequency worldwide has increased by 16%, with 16 DDoS attempts taking place every minute.
Wired and mobile telecommunications, data


processing, and hosting providers are the most common targets. However, there has also been an uptick in DDoS campaigns against satellite communications, chemical manufacturing, and trades including computer equipment sellers and vehicle vendors. Read more 


If you missed the newsletter, then you probably did not register for the live webinar `Webinar – DDoS mitigation can be effective all the time, we’ll show you how to get there’ by Matthew is the Founder and CEO of MazeBolt Technologies.

Webinar Takeaways :

1. How sneakier and smart DDoS attacks slip through DDoS Mitigation.
2. Why Layer 3 and Layer 4 DDoS attacks remain the threat.
3. A layered based approach to DDoS Mitigation Technology.
4. Tips and tricks to fine-tune DDoS Mitigation Technology on the fly.
5. How leading enterprises in the real world are protecting their global infrastructure from massive as well as sneakier DDoS attacks.
6. Q & A

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About MazeBolt

MazeBolt is an innovation leader in cybersecurity and part of the DDoS mitigation space. Offering full DDoS risk detection and elimination and working with any mitigation system to provide end to end full coverage. Supporting organizations in avoiding downtime and closing DDoS vulnerabilities before an attack happens.

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